Spring Family Place Begins
Monday nights and Tuesday mornings from April 23 to May 22 famlies will be attending our Parent/Child workshops. The will meet with child development experts and discuss their concerns about nutrition, health and other parenting issues. Parents can talk to other parents with children of the same age. The library provides age appropriate games, toys and books for this program.
So if you are in the reference area during these times you may hear the children enjoying themselves while their parents are learning about community services available to them and getting answers to common parenting questions.
Thank you to the Friends of the Lucy Robbins Welles Library for co-sponsoring this event.
So if you are in the reference area during these times you may hear the children enjoying themselves while their parents are learning about community services available to them and getting answers to common parenting questions.
Thank you to the Friends of the Lucy Robbins Welles Library for co-sponsoring this event.
If you can hear unattended children in the adult reference area "enjoying themselves", something is drastically wrong. Do you have a day-care license?
Oh come now. Did anyone say they were going to be unattended? I think if the level of noise becomes something you cannot tolerate perhaps you should mention it "in person" to a member of the library staff. If you know in advance when these events are perhaps you could chose other times to come or even another library that does not offer programs for children. I don't believe at this time the library should apply for a daycare license based on one petty comment!
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