Monday, December 31, 2007

Library closed on Jan. 1, 2008

The library will be closed on Tuesday Jan. 1, 2008. We will reopen on Wednesday, Jan. 2 at 10:00 a.m.

Happy New Year Everyone!


Closing at 5:00 on Dec. 31, 2007

The library will be closing at 5:00 p.m. on Monday Dec. 31, 2007.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Movie Matinee - Shrek the Third Mon, Dec 31.

No registration necessary. 1:00 p.m. in the library's community room. The film lasts 90 minutes and is rated PG.

Parents please come with your children under the age of 8.


Fireman Jim's Safety Tips - Sat. Dec 29

It's a rock 'n rollin' good time as Fireman Jim Jansen teaches children ages 3 and up basic fire safety with songs and demos. rock 'n roll turns into drop and roll.


The Magic of Dan Bowen - Fri Dec 28th

Come to the library's community room for a magical experience with Dan Bowen! The show starts at 11:00 a.m.


TODAY! Dec 27 - Sam Pasco Orchestra

Today at 2:30 p.m. the Sam Pasco Orchestra will perform in the library's community room. Get a lesson about musical instruments as well as a concert. One lucky child will recieve a free drumming lesson.


Friday, December 21, 2007

Library Closed Sun, Mon and Tuesday

The library will be closed from Sunday, Dec. 23 through Tuesday, Dec. 25. We will open again at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 26.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Library Was Closed Sunday 12/16/2007

The library was closed Sunday Dec. 16, 2007. If you had any books due that day you will not be charged fees. If you would like to renew books due yesterday please stop by or call to renew. You will not be able to renew through My Account since the computer thinks the books are overdue.

We do apologize for any inconvenience being closed may have caused. We do hope you were able to stay home and keep warm and safe.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Wonderful World of Music

The young and young-at-heart are invited to hear the Sam Pasco Orchestra perform in the library’s Community Room on Thursday, December 27, 2:30 p.m. The audience will receive a lesson on the sounds of each musical instrument and how notes are strung together to make beautiful songs. One lucky child will receive a free drumming lesson and all will participate in a march around the library.

Admission is free and no registration is necessary. Sponsored by the Newington Kiwanis.

Reading & Recipies for Children

Children in grades K-2 are invited to join us for Reading and Recipies on Wednesday, December 19th at 6:30 p.m. We’ll tell gingerbread stories and then make gingerbread cookies! Please wear washable clothing.

Call the Children’s Department at 665-8720 to register.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Stewart O'Nan to Visit Evening Book Group

Join us on Thursday, Jan. 10 at 7:00 in the Lienhard room. We will be discussing Stewart O'Nan's latest book, Last Night at the Lobster, with the author.

We will have a limited number of books for sale for $15.00.

In the NY Times Book Review on Nov. 4, 2007, in Food Chain Blues, Nathaniel Rich says-

"O’Nan’s empathy for his characters is one of his great gifts as a
novelist, and it is an impressive achievement that Manny’s misplaced affection for Red Lobster is not risible, but tragic."

In the NY Times Arts section on Dec 3, 2007, in Requiem for a Red Lobster: A Novel of Downsizing, Motoko Rich says

"Having swiped menus, scrutinized dining patterns and interrogated workers in Wethersfield and other locations while writing the book, Mr. O’Nan, 46, became steeped in Red Lobster trivia."

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Thursday Night Book Discussion Planning Meeting

This Thursday night, December 6, the library book discussion group will have it's planning meeting. Bring two or three books you would like the group to read. Present your case for your books then vote on the books you would like to read in 2008.

Everyone welcome.


Big Read - Maltese Falcon

The library is encouraging it's patrons to join the Big Read for 2008. Along with people all over the country, we will be reading The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett. The library will sponsor book discussions and a screening of the movie with Humphry Bogart.

Look for more details in the New Year.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Facebook Page

The library now has a Facebook page. You can link to it by clicking the title of this post or you can search Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Facebook. If you search using the library name you will also find that a few of the librarians have set up Facebook profiles.

You may wonder what is the difference between a Facebook page and a Facebook profile. A page is created for an organization or entity but a profile is created for a person. The page allows an organization, like a library, to have a limited presence on Facebook. Unlike a profile anyone can see this page even if you aren't a fan. We have posted our hours, listed upcoming events, added a couple of games, posted some photos of READ posters and of course added an application for you to review books, music, or movies. If you visit your Facebook profile often become our fan and get updates about library programs on your Facebook profile.

A Facebook profile is for individuals. You can become friends with individuals and then see their full profiles. Both parties must agree to become friends before you can see a full profile. There are many applications for profiles. I have been experimenting. I have been able to feed my Wordpress blog to my Facebook profile using the rss app. My Flickr photos are highlighted using a couple of apps. I have posted articles from the online NYT. Posted a list of favorite movies and books with a few reviews. Look me up Vicky Chase, in the Hartford region, to see some of the useful and fun things you can do with your Facebook profile.

Why did we create a Facebook page? Many teens and twenties are using Facebook daily. They aggregate much their online activity to social networking sites like Facebook. Facebook user's visit their profile at least once a day. In their profile they get updates from their friends and organizations. Any changes we make to our page are pushed to our fans. So if we add a new event, or post photos of a program or list some new books it will show up on their profile. Just another way to reach our patrons online and for them to reach us.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tellabration - 11/17 7:00 p.m.

Join us Saturday
Nov. 17th at the
Senior and Disabled Center
for a celebration
of oral tradition.


Come and listen to these storytellers -
Ellie Toy, Liz Gruber, Carol Mon, Lot Therrio.
Tickets are $8 in advance at the Adult Information Desk, $10 at the door and $6 for students.


Friday, November 02, 2007

Magic the Gathering

Teens in grades 7-12 are invited join us on Saturday, November 10th from 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. to play Magic just for fun. Experienced and newer players of this fantasy role playing card game are welcome. Refreshments will be served.

The program is free, but registration is necessary. Register at the Adult Information Desk or by calling 665-8700.

Brown Bag it with Art

Join us Thursday, November 8th at 12 noon, when Xian Clere from the Connecticut Trolley Museum will speak and show a slide presentation. The museum is the nation's oldest organization dedicated to the preservation of the trolley era.

Bring a brown bag lunch. Beverages and desserts will be provided.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Museum Passes

Thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Library, we have added 2 more passes to area museum. One is for the New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park. The other pass is for the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
You may reserve the passes up to 3 months in advance by going to the museum pass link on our website. Please bear with us while we update our brochure to reflect the new passes.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fireman Jim postponed - again

Due to personal family circumstances, the program Fireman Jim's Safety Tips, originally rescheduled for Friday, October 19 at 10:15 a.m., has been postponed again until December.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fireman Jim postponed

Due to personal family circumstances, the program Fireman Jim's Safety Tips, originally scheduled for Friday, September 21, will be postponed to Friday, October 19 at 10:15 a.m. Signups will be taken beginning immediately for this rescheduled performance.

Fireman Jim's Safety Tips Program
Friday, OCTOBER 19, 10:15 a.m.
It’s a rock ‘n rollin’ good time as Fireman Jim Jansen teaches children ages 4 and up basic fire safety through easy to learn songs and live demonstrations.Call 665-8720 to register.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Family Place Registration begins Sept 17

First-time Newington participants may register for the Parent-Child Workshop beginning Monday Sept 17. This program is a 5 week series of free workshops for parents and children ages 1-3 years old. Meet other families, share thoughts and experiences, and talk with librarians and local child development experts as you play and read with your children. This program is designed to help you find out about community services available to children and parents.

Brothers and sisters under 5 are invited to join the fun.

The Workshop begins Monday Oct. 1 and runs to Monday Nov. 5 at 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday Oct 2 - Nov. 9 at 10:15 a.m.

A light supper is served before the evening session.

Call the children's department 860-665-8720 to register.

Out of town families and repeat participants may register begining September 24.

Trinity College Returns to Newington

Tuesday Sept 18, 25 and Oct 2, 9 at 11:00 a.m. Trinity Professor Andrew De Rocco will lecture on "Nobel Lives: Five Women and Their Paths to the Prize." The classes will be examining five women who were honored with Nobel Prizes in the sciences: the Curies, mother and daughter; Marie Goeppert-Mayer(physics, Rita Levi-Montalcini(physiology), and Barbara McClintock(genetics). The classes are presented by the Academy of Lifelong Learning at Trinity College. There is still room in the class.

Please contact Trinity at 297-2125 or email them or visit their web page for more information.

I attended the class about E=MC2 last fall. I learned a lot from the professor and the other students in the class.


Librarians Learn Web 2.0

The librarians at the Lucy Robbins Welles Library are learning about the social web and new applications that we can use to improve service to our patrons.

One new project is the teen book review blog - Teen Reviews. Currently teens can fill out a comment card and one of our librarians will add their review to the blog. See what other teens are reading and what they think about the books. We hope in the near future teens will be able to post to this blog themselves.

The reference department has created an internal wiki for our reference polices, memos, FAQs, bookmarks. We watched this YouTube video from Commoncraft shows to learn about wikis

As part of the reference wiki our Head of Reference also created a account with our frequently used bookmarks. You can check out the ReferenceDepartment Bookmarks to see what sites we often go to when we answer your questions. Commoncraft also has YouTube video on social bookmarking.

If you have any suggestions for web2.0 applications that the library could use to improve service please leave a comment on this post.


Friday, September 07, 2007

Fireman Jim's Safety Tips

Join us on Friday, October 21st at 10:15 a.m. for a rock ‘n rollin’ good time as Fireman Jim Jansen teaches children ages 4 and up basic fire safety through easy to learn songs and live demonstrations.

Call 665-8720 to register beginning September 7.

Nutmeg Nights - Project Mulberry

Children in grades 3 and up are invited to participate in a monthly activity and discussion of the 2008 Nutmeg Book Award nominees.

September’s title is Project Mulberry by Linda Sue Park on Wednesday, September 19th. Join us for pizza at 6:30 p.m. The discussion will begin at 7:00 p.m., then we’ll do a silkworm project of our own!

Call 665-8720 to register.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Beading and Reading for Teens

Students in grades 6 - 12 are invited to join us for beading and reading on Thursday, September 20th at 3:30 p.m. There will be hundreds of different beads to choose from to make necklaces, bracelets and more. No experience is necessary. Each person who attends will leave with a nice piece of unique jewelry. They will also hear about some of the most popular and enjoyable books in the teen area of the library.

The program is free, but registration is necessary. Stop by the Adult Information Desk or call the library at 665-8700.

Library Board Annual Meeting

The Library Board of Trustees invites all Newington residents to attend this year’s annual meeting on Monday, September 10, at 7:00 p.m. There will be a brief business meeting and the Board will recognize the following for their contributions to the library: Newington Chamber of Commerce, Alan Budney, Newington UNICO, Target, Stephen Cronin, Danny Cronin and Sherry Gray of UConn Extension.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Internet Computer Down Friday 8/24

The internet computers on the first floor of the library near the reference desk will be down Friday morning to mid-afternoon. The dividers between the stations are being replaced that day. The computers in the Young Adult area will be available as well as the 15 minute access computer.

Feel free to call the library 860-665-8700 to see if the computers are available Friday afternoon.

Please make your plans accordingly.

The computers should be up and running on Saturday.


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Harry Potter Party Photos

Thank you Marian Amodeo for the photos of the Harry Potter Party last month.

Left to right:
Michelle Royer, Helen Aveline, Pat Pierce,
Joanne Ferry in costume for the party.

Left to right: Michele Royer and Karen Benner

Denise Durante

Waiting for the magic hour of 12:01 a.m. July 21


Joanne Ferry

Anna Eddy and her neice

Reading along with the book on cd at 12:08

Locked in the Library - SATURDAY NIGHT!

SATURDAY night at 7:00 p.m. the library will be hopping. This is the 7th year the brave souls in the Children's Department have had an annual sleep over. Parents and children stake their claim to a spot in the library then join in the activities planned by the staff. Breakfast is over by 8:00 a.m. so the library can be ready for our day time patrons at 10:00.

This year there will be 195 children and parents at the sleepover.


Artist - Robert Giovino

Stop by the library and look at Robert Giovino's oil paintings. When you walk into our community room you will feel like you are at the seashore with his colorful pastel seascapes.


Friday, July 27, 2007

YNK Movie for Teens

Are you entering grades 6 - 10? If you are, then consider joining us on August 2nd at 7:00 p.m. for a movie.

YNK what PG13 movie and unusual and mysterious refreshments will be offered. Those who just show up will be surprised.
The more cautious may register at the Adult Information Desk or call 665-8700.

Gotta Sing - Gotta Dance Movie Series

Join us on Tuesday, August 7th at 6:30 p.m. for the first movie in our Gotta Sing - Gotta Dance series of 4 movie musicals from the 40's and 50's with Bob Larsson.

Three Little Words (1950) with Fred Astaire, Red Skelton, and Vera Ellen.

A Hollywood song and dance-filled version of the lives of songwriting team Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Perils of Superman

Brown Bag it with a Movie - Hollywood Mysteries on Tuesday, July 31, Noon
What really happened to George Reeves was it suicide or not?!
Come at noon on Tuesday the 31st to see a movie about George Reeves.
Bring your brown bag lunch. We will provide dessert and drinks.


Teen Auction Prizes

This is just one of many prizes for the teen summer reading auction.

The auction will be held on Thursday August 23 @ 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our First 40 Day Reader

Congratulations to Bridgit Austin!

Bridgit Austin was the first 40 day reader in the children's summer reading program.
Her name will go on a Get a Clue Bookplate in the book
Ben and The Sudden Too Big Family by Colby Rodowsky.

For very child who reads for 40 days,
the library will put a book plate in a book of their choice.


Sparky's Puppets - The Book Detective!

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

While there is still room in this program!

Call now to sign up 665-8720!

Thursday, July 19 at 10:30 a.m.

This larger than life raccoon detective
loves searching the library for
how and why folktales.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Giacomo Gates Jazz Trio - Wednesday

Wednesday, July 18, 7:00 p.m.
in the Community Room.

Enjoy an evening of jazz
with vocalist Giacomo Gates and his band.

Admission is free.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Listen to some tracks from his cds.
( You will need windows media player.)

Girl Talk

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Different Look for the YA Area

The Young Adult area has some new furniture and a bulletin board.

Surf the net at the new computer station or read for a while in the new chairs or work on a project at the new tables.

A Big Thank You to the Board of the Lucy Robbins Welles Library for making this possible.


Town Wide Clue Game

As part of our summer reading program, Get a Clue @ Your Library, the children's department is sponsoring a town wide clue game.

Here's how children in town can join in on the fun.

  1. Come to the children's department at the library and pick up your list of locations, books and suspects.
  2. Visit the locations in town and look for the clue poster with a suspect reading a book.
  3. When you find the poster cross out the person, the location and the book on your list.
  4. When you know who did it - Fill out your accusation card and deliver it to the library by August 1.

Prizes will be announced.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Tool Chest for Self Marketers

For those of you who participated in our brochure workshop or other patrons who are interested in the book Tool Chest for Self Marketers by Cheryl Dauphin and Nancy Simonds the link in iBistro is fixed. I contacted Library Connection, our library network that provides our catalog, and here is the response.

Hi Vicki,
Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. There were a few problems with the record that caused it not to show. It's all set now. Actually, South Windsor had the book, too, but the title was typed in differently, so there are now three copies available for interested patrons.

If you attended this program, post a comment and let us know what you thought of it.


Magic the Gathering

Registration is still open for the Magic program on
Thursday, June 28 @ 2:00 p.m.

Call the library 860-665-8700 or
stop by the information desk to sign up.

Teens in grades 7 - 12 are welcome to come play Magic. All levels of of players from experienced to new are welcome. The program is free and refreshments will be provided.


Bus Trip to Block Island

Join the Friends of the Lucy Robbins Welles Library on a bus trip to Block Island.

The bus will leave the back parking lot of Newington Town Hall at 6:45 a.m. on Saturday, July 28. It will take approximately 2 hours to get to Pt. Judith where passengers will board the ferry for the one hour ride to Block Island. Once on Block Island, passengers will be free to explore the Island on their own. An optional tour of the Island by minivan will be available for approximately $10. Passengers should take the 5:00 p.m. ferry back to Pt. Judith. The bus will leave Pt. Judith at 6:00 p.m. for the two hour return trip to the Town Hall parking lot.

The cost is $43 per person. Register at the Adult Information Desk.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fossil Hunter

Wednesday, June 27 at 7:00 p.m. Walter Heinz, the fossil hunter, will be at the library. He will bring

  • Megaladon shark tooth
  • woolly mammoth molar and
  • amber with an insect embedded

Free tickets are available NOW.

For children in grade 1 and up.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Lucy Robbins Library.


Summer Reading Programs for the Whole Family

Everyone is invited to join one of the three summer reading programs the library is offering this summer. They are all free.

  • Adult readers will earn a raffle ticket for each book they read, which will be entered in weekly drawings for special gift baskets. Sign up at the Adult Information Desk.

  • Teens will earn book bucks throughout the summer to use at the teen finale auction in August. Sign up at the Adult Information Desk.

  • Children up through grade 8 can earn prizes by reading or being read to for at least twenty minutes a day. Sign up in the Children's Department.

** All the summer reading events, giveaway books and raffle prizes are provided by a generous donation from the Friends of the Library.

Wizard Rock for ages 9 to 90

If you like rock music, 80’s music or Harry Potter books then consider joining us for the Wizard Rock Concert. Draco and the Malfoys, an energetic two man band will perform wicked wizard rock, as inspired by their namesakes.

The concert will be on July 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the Senior Center Auditorium.

Free tickets are available at the Adult Information Desk.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Learn What Makes a Good Business Brochure

Join Cheryl Dauphin and Nancy Simonds on Monday, June 18 at 7:00 p.m., as they talk about what makes an effective business brochure. Bring your brochure to share and get feedback on the content and design. This program is geared to the small business owner and home-based business.

To Anonymous: Thank you for your diligence in searching out errors on our website, to the extent that you look at other websites to find them. However this time the website appears to have a typo. The business brochure program will be on June 18 at 7:00 p.m. as previously stated in this post.

Vicky Chase, Librarian at Lucy Robbins Welles Library.

Bus Trip to New York City

Join the Friends of Lucy Robbins Welles Library for a special trip to New York City and spend the day as you wish.

The bus will leave from the back parking lot of Newington Town Hall at 7:30 a.m. this Saturday, June 16. It will arrive in New York City at approximately 9:30 a.m. The bus will drop passengers off at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rockefeller Center and Times Square. Passengers will have plenty of time to enjoy the city before boarding the bus at 6:00 p.m. behind St. Patrick's Cathedral for the trip back to Newington.

The cost of the trip is $27. Register at the Adult Information Desk.

Sue S.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lucy's Librarians Learn Library2.0

About on month ago the librarians and staff at the library started learning about Library2.0. Two of us have created a learning blog. We post lessons once a week. The rest of the staff do the lessons at their own pace. We are available for one on one instruction or other help along the way. As I have been researching for my entries and reading Sue's entries in the learning blog I too am learning. I wanted to share this youtube video with you. It's a video explaining RSS. I found it entertaining and informative. Hope you enjoy it and learn something.


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Get a Clue @ Your Library

This Saturday, June 9 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, the library will officially kick off the summer reading program, Get a Clue @ Your Library, with an all ages outdoor fair in the Town Hall parking lot. Besides registration for the 3 different reading programs, adult, teen and children, activities will include the popular Touch-a-Truck event co-sponsored by Parks and Rec and the Newington/Wethersfield Women's Club, with 11 different vehicles lining Mill Street (which will be closed to the public until noon). Also there will be face painting, tattoos, fingerprint pictures, a mystery word game, free balloons, chess, checkers and Radio Disney!

Parking will be available in the Garfield St. lot, along Garfield St. and at the Senior and Disabled Center.

Bring the whole family and start reading!

Here's a photo from a previous kick-off to whet your appetite! Hope to see you there!


Friday, June 01, 2007

Chess Club 6/6/2007 @ 3:30 p.m.

Join the Newington High School Chess Club members Wednesday for their last meeting of the youth chess club for the school year. Bring your own boards and meet other's interested in chess.

The club is open to all levels of players in grades 3-8.
No registration required.


Organize your kitchen

Monday June 4, 7:00 p.m. Library Community Room

Is your kitchen cluttered; are your closets crowded?
Stop by the library Monday evening and
JoAnne Grabinski will tell you how to get organized.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Parenting Books

There have been some excellently reviewed parenting books published this spring so I thought I'd share some with you.

By far, the most requests I get as a parenting topic, both in the library and as a member of the town's Early Childhood Council, is discipline. Here are three of the newest titles in our collection on this subject:

The author of The No-Cry Discipline Solution is Elizabeth Pantley, bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution. Her discipline book promotes gentle ways to encourage good behavior without whining, tantrums and tears.
Positive Discipline for Preschoolers and Positive Discipline for the First Three Years by Jane Nelsen are completely revised and expanded editions of her earlier discipline titles. As a matter of fact, there is a whole Positive Discipline series with titles for stepfamilies, caregivers, single parents and teenagers.

The adoption of a child is always a joyous moment in the life of a family but can also present its own unique challenges. The Connected Child by Karyn Purvis, Ph.D. addresses these issues with care and consideration. This book is for parents who have welcomed children from other countries and cultures, from troubled backgrounds or with special behavioral or emotional needs.

In a somewhat controversial title, Donna Bee-Gates, author of I Want It Now, compares today's culture of materialism and self-gratification with a simpler childhood that values good communication and interaction with peers and family.

These last two titles present specialized information not often written about for the mass market.
The Connected Father by Carl Pickhardt helps fathers become informed about changes and challenges that normally unfold during adolescence. He helps them navigate through the 4 stages of adolescence from ages 9 to 23 and deals with subjects such as communication, independence and authority.
While there have been several books on the parenting of infant through preschool twins and multiples, not much has been available on issues that develop during the school age. Parenting School-Age Twins and Multiples by Christina Baglivi Tinglof fills that gap. Her book answers questions such as: should your twins be placed in the same homeroom at school or how healthy is competition among your triplets? Drawing from the latest cutting-edge research, she guides you through the children's first days of kindergarten to the always drama-filled years of high school.
All of the above titles are brand new and are currently being processed. Call the Children's Department at 665-8720 to place a hold on any of them.
These and other books addressing child rearing can be found on the Parent Shelf in the Children's Department. Any Children's staff will be happy to show you the location.
Helen Aveline
Head of Children's Services

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Parent Child Workshop photos

Here are some photos of children at our Parent Child Workshop. The Parent Child Workshop offers parents a chance to learn about services and meet local family specialists. Children can play with educational toys.

Created with Paul's flickrSLiDR.


Philip R. Craig

The library staff was saddened to hear of the death of Philip R. Craig. He had been scheduled to speak at the library on June 12. His passing is a great loss to his many fans here at the library and around the world.


Monday, May 21, 2007

Race Results are In

The results of the Newington Library 5k Challenge are in.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Teddy Bear Clinic Photos

Thank you Michelle for the photos!

Newington 5K Challenge 5/20/2007

Don't forget the Newington 5K Road Race starts at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday May 20 at Mill Pond Park. If you haven't yet signed up you can come into the library to get an application or go online to to register.

The first 200 people to arrive at the race will get a free t-shirt and goody bag.

Friday, May 11, 2007

List of Books Given to the Library

All during the the year library patrons donate money to the library to purchase books in memory or in honor of a loved one. Jeanette Mercure, Head of Circulation and Collection Management created a list of recently purchased books with funds from our gift account. Gifts to the Library will now be on our new additions page along with the other new book newsletters.

Go take a look.


Whole Foods Series Begins

Thursday, May 17 at 7:00 p.m. come to the library for the first of three programs on whole foods. This Thursday the library will show a documentary on the "disturbing truth behind the food we buy in the grocery store". It examines the complex forces that are changing how and what we eat and offers alternatives. There will be a moderated discussion after the film.

On Thursday, May 24 at 7:00 p.m. Holistic Health Counselor Corrina Richards will lecture on how to incorporate whole foods into your daily life.

On Thursday, May 31 at 7:00 p.m. Corrina Richards returns to give a whole foods cooking demonstration. She will prepare delectable, unprocessed, fresh-from-the-earth samples that will nourish your whole self.

Call the library to register for the lecture or the cooking demonstration. 665-8700.
No registration necessary for the documentary.


One Book 4 Towns Finale - May 16

Archer Mayor will discuss The Surrogate Thief, his other books in the series and writing in general at the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library at 7:00 p.m. Archer will answer questions and sign books. Books will be available for purchase at the program. Admission is free.

Who is the surrogate thief?

Should Gail run for office?

Do you think she knew what her campaign manager did near the end of the book?

What emotions do the two cases stir up in Joe?

Get these and many more questions answered at the finale of our One Book 4 Towns program.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spring Family Place Begins

Monday nights and Tuesday mornings from April 23 to May 22 famlies will be attending our Parent/Child workshops. The will meet with child development experts and discuss their concerns about nutrition, health and other parenting issues. Parents can talk to other parents with children of the same age. The library provides age appropriate games, toys and books for this program.

So if you are in the reference area during these times you may hear the children enjoying themselves while their parents are learning about community services available to them and getting answers to common parenting questions.

Thank you to the Friends of the Lucy Robbins Welles Library for co-sponsoring this event.


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Brattleboro Bus Trip Canceled

The bus trip to Brattleboro, VT on Saturday, April 28 has been canceled. If you are signed up and have paid please contact the library for a refund. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Brown Bag It with Art

Next Tuesday, April 24 at Noon the library will have a speaker from the Wadsworth Atheneum. Anne Butler Rice, Associate Museum Education, Will speak about their new exhibition, Faith and Fortune: Five Centuries of European Masterworks.

This program has been very popular in the past so come early with your bag lunch. We will provide beverages and desserts.

If Ms. Rice's talk encourages you to visit the museum stop at our reference desk and we will reserve a free pass for you. You can also reserve one yourself on our web page.

If you like to read more about the Wadsworth or Faith and Art -I have created a book list for this program.


Friday, April 13, 2007

An Evening with Kate Klise

Children's author Kate Klise will be speaking and signing books in the library's Community Room on Tuesday, April 24 at 7:00 p.m. Books available for sale are Regarding the Fountain, Deliver Us from Normal and Trial by Journal (paperbacks for $5.00) and her newest title, Far from Normal (hardcover for $12.00). All are invited - school-aged children, parents, teachers, librarians and aspiring writers. Come early for refreshments! Call 665-8720 with any questions.